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Psychologie La Croix Amsterdam niet geclaimd Niet geclaimd
WG-plein 266
1054 SE Amsterdam
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Informatie over Psychologie La Croix in Amsterdam

Psychologische diagnostiek en behandeling. Geven van trainingen, doceren. niet geclaimdBedrijf is niet geclaimd

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Reviews over Psychologie La Croix in Amsterdam

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Ik ben hier goed geholpen. Voelde me
Met veel respect behandeld.
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Hele goede ervaring. Ik word heel serieus genomen door mijn therapeut.
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Een fijne praktijk. Heel welkom gevoel bij de start van de behandeling.
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I came here for trauma theraphy, but during the intake at the earliest mention that I have a mild form of autism they seized to ask any further questions, and proceded to tell me all sorts of reasons why they did not want to help me. With concerns that they wouldn't have enough expertise to deal with a-neurotypical persons like me. I begged them repeatedly to just at least give me a chance, after all, all I want is to be treated the same way as any other person. Besides that fact I'm not there to treat my Autism, I'm there to deal with a traumatic event in my youth. However their response was firm that it just wouldn't be a good fit for their organization to help someone like me.
For clarity, yes I have a mild form of autism called asperger's syndrome, but its hardly a factor. I have a large friend group, a girlfriend that loves me very much, and a normal job that I enjoy immensely in order to make ends meet for myself. In short Autism has little to no effect on how I go through my life.

Nevertheless, the people working at this clinic who by their own admission have no idea about autism will see fit to tell you that having autism should disquallify you for treatment at this facillity. Had I not informed them myself of my condition they wouldn't have known, and therefore have had no reason to reject my request for treatment.

According to Article 1 of the Dutch constitution it is not permitted to treat one different based on race, skincolour, or handicap. However Psychologie La Croix feels confident this law does not apply to them. That somehow their brand as a business is more important than actually extending a helping hand to those who are different from themselves.

In conclusion, if you're like me, and are in possesion of any psychological label. Make sure you don't under any circumstances whatsoever inform them of this. They will shame you and reffuse to treat you outright without offering any alternative whatsoever. Or if you're among the wise. RUN, DO NOT WALK away from this clinic as fast as your feet may carry you! I'd give them a lower mark, but unfortunately the minimum is 2 on this site.
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Hele kundige en fijne praktijk!
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Ik geloof dat hier wel goede kennis aanwezig is, maar het bedrijf geeft een wat onpersoonlijke en commerciële indruk.