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Dutch Academy Eindhoven Eindhoven

Geverifieerd door de eigenaar
Telefoonnummer: Toon telefoonnummer
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(90 ct/min) en doorverbonden gesprek
1822 - Places Nummerinformatie


Catharinaplein 21, 5611 DE Eindhoven

Vestiging: Bekijk locatie

Over Dutch Academy Eindhoven

Dutch Academy Eindhoven offers intensive Dutch language courses: Dutch Course for Beginners A1 level, Dutch Course Semi-Intermediate A2 level and Dutch Course Intermediate B1 level.

Dutch Course for Beginners

Our intensive Dutch course for Beginners is intended for absolute beginners. During the course, you will learn to communicate in Dutch in everyday situations. Throughout the course priority is given to understanding and producing basic spoken Dutch for survival. In this intensive Dutch course, students deal with the entire elementary grammar of Dutch and build up a vocabulary of about 1.000 words within 11 weeks. The course concludes with a final online test.

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