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Xinaps Delft

Geverifieerd door de eigenaar
Telefoonnummer: Toon telefoonnummer
Bel voor bedrijf zoeken
Bel nu
(90 ct/min) en doorverbonden gesprek
1822 - Places Nummerinformatie


Kleveringweg 6, 2616 LZ Delft

Vestiging: Bekijk locatie
Parkeren: Bekijk locatie

Over Xinaps

Xinaps situated in Delft and founded in 2015 . We are a forward thinking team that creates smart building checking tools within design software because we believe the building design process needs to be simplified and optimized. Our clients play an active role in tailoring the features of all of our products.

Hand in hand, we work hard on shaping innovative architectural tools right within Revit®. Enriching design solutions for AEC professionals.