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nab. creative Oisterwijk

Geverifieerd door de eigenaar
Mobiel: Toon telefoonnummer
Bel voor bedrijf zoeken
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(90 ct/min) en doorverbonden gesprek
1822 - Places Nummerinformatie


Tongelreep 24, 5061 RH Oisterwijk

Vestiging: Bekijk locatie

Over nab. creative

In our daily lives, paper is primarily an everyday modest material. We open envelops, sign receipts and makes to do lists, in all these contexts, paper feels mundane and ephemeral, simply a means to an end.
Thara explores the material by understanding the dynamics of the material and by adding some delicate adjustments – She is able to transform the material into something totally different. A precise series of folds will lead to a pattern which transforms the material into a permanent sculpture. In her sculptures she shows the valuable side of the material that we didn’t remark in daily life.